Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 29 & 30... Oktoberfest Round 2

September 29 and 30th
Rise and shine, its Oktoberfest time! Early bird catches the seat at the beer tent. We woke up around 10:00 and made it to the festivities around 11:30. We waited in a giant mob outside of the building and after a pretzel in line, we made our way into the outside part of the garden. We sat down at a table and were shortly joined by some Italians, apparently it was Italian weekend because most of the people that we met were from Italy. After a few minutes, it started to rain and there is no shelter to keep us from melting and our stein being filled with water. The day progressed and we made our way into the building where the traditional music, loud chanting, and dancing on stools takes place. We settled down at a table with some Germans, thanks to the help a kind man from New York. We didn't leave our table until later that night. We made our way around the park and headed to a new location. Everywhere was full and it was raining so we made our way to local establishment. After a long day of singing and dancing we headed home to much needed rest. I now can sing some songs in Italian and German. We woke up the next morning and checked out of Hotel Kent. After some meandering around Munich, we walked around the English Gardens. It was similar to Central Park in New York. Right about we were about to leave the park we came by a river that flows fairly strong, right after a bridge the waves are pretty big and people congregate to surf here. We joined the crowd gathered on the bank and watched. Devon had to catch her train so we quick stopped to get some lunch in the center of Munich. We parted ways and Hannah and I headed to Dachau Concentration Camp just outside the city. I have never experienced something so moving. You walk into the complex and there are rows where the barracks used to stand. Just thinking about the millions of people walked here and the atrocities that occurred here was overwhelming. Walking through the museums, words can not describe how it felt. There were moments when thinking of what the people went through brought tears to my eyes. The information that we learned in school about the Holocaust still ingrained in my mind, but somehow here it became much more real. The words in the textbooks that we read were brought to life, the countless pictures gave nameless faces names. We arrived so late that we were practically running through the complex, by the time we left we had about 2 and a half hours to make it all the way to the airport and through security to catch a bus and then a train. Nothing like running two steps behind. We made it to the airport and through security about 10 minutes before they started baording. The rest you can probably figure out, we made it back safe but extremely exhausted. A great first weekend traveling around Europe!

1 comment:

  1. glad you had good time at Oktoberfest. when Beth & I
    went to Dachau first thing we noticed upon entrance
    the stillness, no birds chirping, more somber than
    anything else. Whats with the small beers those are only for under 12 year olds (ha ha)
