September 5... Inverarary Town and Castle

Nothing like getting out of the city and enjoying some Scottish hills and castles! The group of international students broke up into day tours. I went on the tour of a very old castle that is inhabited by a Duke and his family. The scenery is absolutely breath taking. There are lochs and mountains the whole drive from Glasgow. My ability to fall asleep anywhere limited my view of the wondrous landscape but the parts that I was awake for were stunning! Reminded me of the east coast with a little Montana. The castle was filled with artifacts from many generations and was home to many influential Scottish members of government (a princess once lived there). After the tour we were allowed to wander the town. I enjoyed a basket of fish and chips (not actual chips but fries) by the loch. Then set off to the heart of town, which took about five minutes to walk to. The town was tiny but very beautiful. We stumbled upon a tiny church and some interesting shops, which were mostly generated to capture the attention of tourists. In many of the shops kilts were for sale but not at a cheap price. Bagpipers were seen throughout the town and tour and even the local sea gulls sound more like bagpipes, maybe that was my imagination. After a long day of walking I settled in bed for a short nap, just about three hours and woke up hungry yet again. I am noticing a pattern; eat, walk, sleep and repeat. After dinner we venture to the little pub nearby the dorm and enjoyed some local open mic. This city is so musical and it seems that everyone and their dog can play a musical instrument. After learning my lesson the first time (malt does not mean beer but a shot of whiskey) I ordered the cheapest beer and enjoyed the talent. The Scottish way, anything is better with a drink in hand.
Those pictures are stunning! Glad you're writing a blog, my dear Scottish friend! <3