This is the second to last week of lectures! It feels like it is only the second week of lectures. Fortunately, I finished my essay for art history on the weekend so I won't have to worry about working on during Thanksgiving and I can spend some more time potentially studying for my astronomy exam... good intentions but not likely going to happen. Photography class went really well on Wednesday! Most of my pictures from Paris turned out, the ones of the Eiffel Tower at night weren't so good since it was so dark. But the other ones were really good. One of the pictures that I took was very similar to one that was on the National Geographic homepage for photo of the day, I bet the camera that the person used was digital even. I was so proud of myself when I saw how my picture turned out. This is the first Thanksgiving that I spent away from my family. I didn't think it was a big deal until I realized that if I wanted a pumpkin pie or Mom's sweet potatoes, I was going to have to make them myself. We celebrated with the people from out flat. Everyone was suppose to bring something. I made a chicken, didn't get a turkey in time, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and a pumpkin pie. If I do say so myself, it was all delicious. It was a little frustrating that I had to go to lecture on Thanksgiving and that some people were pretty negative about the celebrations. My only response to the people that knocked the holiday is that if you don't know what it is about and have never participated in it then you have no right to say anything about it; of course I didn't say this to the people that were rude about Thanksgiving I just bit my tongue and cursed them under my breath. Other people were really excited to celebrate the holiday and were so interested that we watched a couple episodes of Friends where they celebrate Thanksgiving. Even though I had finished my paper early I didn't spend a lot of time studying for my astronomy exam, so after stuffing myself at dinner I had to get to work revising. The exam was Friday afternoon so I spent some time Friday morning studying. There were only a few that I wasn't positive about the answers. We will wait and see how it went. Next feat, a 14 page paper on the Scottish Enlightenment! I don't write essays, I am a math major. Looks like this coming week I will be spending a lot of time in the library.